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TTC since August 2016, with RE since August 2017, We went through something similar in January - not the intermittent heartbeat but measuring behind and a lower heart rate- we also had a larger than normal yolk sac but we just had to take it appt by appt. Should be 10w1d but now Im 9w5d?! Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Fingers crossed they just got the measurements wrong. See if you can talk them into an earlier US. I'm worried our baby won't have anywhere to grow. What week are you and do you have a u/s coming up soon as well? Currently 17 weeks and growing no issues. I think I'll ask to go there for the sono too. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. For mine, they thought the heart mustve just started beating (she was surprised it actually registered a beat, as she thought the flutter was too tiny). Does anyone have any experience with this but things turned out okay? 20052023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. I wouldn't worry ab. Do babies slow growing? ???? My daughter's EDD was March 20th (calculated by u/s) but I knew for a fact the day I concieved her put her at being due on April 7th. At our 8 week ultrasound, baby was measuring 7w1d with a heartrate of 146 bpm. Just wanted to say thanks for the support to those who responded to my thread. But love when anyone can give some extra insight! I dont know if its the progesterone shots Im on or the other natural hormones or the stress of this but Im over emotional and anxiety is through the roof. 3 previous Miscarriages. and therefore, when conception occurred. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They grow at 1mm per day, and when measuring when theyre so tiny, even the slightest movement from baby can alter the dating. All rights reserved. 5 rounds of IVF. At different points I had my baby measure both 10 days behind and 5 days ahead during my last pregnancy. . At our 7w1d ultrasound, baby was measuring 6w5d with a heartrate of 115 BPM. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. I have another US next week. ok thank you for letting me know that, i can see that being possible with me, i hate water and have a really hard time getting it. I had a FET June 9 (embryo was 4AA). I have the tiniest flicker of hope but also preparing for the worst so it's not a shock. Hope someone can tell answer your question xxx, Thank you and good luck. Now, I'm not even really sure what I said about the intermittent heartbeat is true. I am pregnant after a successful 5 day fresh embryo transfer, and going by the transfer date I know I am exactly 8 weeks pregnant today. I am in the exact same boat. I was wondering also if anyone else had that issue and what it means? I was 7 weeks last Thursday which was when I had the scan x. So now hes 2 weeks behind. For me, it's concerning that our baby looks almost squished in the GS. If my babies crl measurement is 6 weeks 2 days, the sac is only measuring 6 weeks, falling two days short. The following week 8w1d, I actually had my first obappt and that tech who didnt make me feel too confident, babys heart rate was 103,105,106. Measuring 3 - 4 days behind at 7 weeks scan. ?? So Im not worried about that, I just dont get to go back till May and all this waiting for the next ultrasound is killing me!! I was freaking out over the thought of waiting longer than I needed to/taking more medication than I needed to if the news was bad, and called back and begged them to give me an ultrasound in 7 days instead. I was thrilled to see a baby with a heartbeat but the measuring behind has me worried. The development of a baby is a beautifully intricate process. You're right that there can be exceptions and I have a little bit of hope but overall, the negative experiences people have shared are keeping my hopes in check. I thought I was a week ahead of what I am because of my last LMP. I usually go for my sono in North York. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Thanks! Was booked in for another scan in 3 weeks time. Theyre concerned but they said there is a heartbeat so we keep monitoring it. I've read in some cases, the mother hasn't been drinking enough water. Just try to hold out until your next scan and not worry too much (I say whilst being super stressed myself! Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. At the 8 week ultrasound, everything was measuring perfectly. So again, should be fine as it's not red but my nerves are certainly being tested!! This was our second round of IVF, first pregnancy, first miscarriage and first d and c, we will take a little break before our next transfer and hopefully my body will feel ready x, Oh I'm so sorry. My RE (reproductive endocrinologist) seemed more optimistic and said there's a margin for the . I had a scare and was given an emergency scan by a different NHS trust (and to be honest didn't have loads of . TW we ultimately lost the baby at 9 weeks When the heart stopped end TW. My IVF little boy has been measuring a week behind since my first US too. The ultrasound tech found one baby measuring 6w3d. Then 2 days later (7w2d) we go to the UC and theres a heartbeat and baby is measuring 6w1d. I just though he was a girl and measuring smaller then the boy. I wouldn't worry about 3-4 days. I went for an early scan yesterday when I was supposed to be 7w1-2d, but measures 6w5d with ultrasound CRL. If I start feeling really crampy or bleeding I am going to go to the ER though. That could explain 4 days difference. He gave us a referral to an Ultrasound . Im definitely finding mixed info as well its frustrating. I had a scare and was given an emergency scan by a different NHS trust (and to be honest didnt have loads of confidence in her). 7 days later also 4 days behind. Credit to women who wish to miscarry naturally but Ive been feeling so unwell and just want to get back to a bit of normality in my own body. Subsequent ultrasound 2 weeks later confirmed that the baby had stopped growing and my wife had a D&C (ended up testing positive for Trisomy-16). You've given me some hope! Currently measuring 7w5d at 8w2d. I track temperatures and took OPKs and typically you ovulate 1-3 days after your positive OPK. There was a . But, I ovulated on cycle day 16, therefore my due date is pushed back two days, so I'm 6w 5d. Sorry you're going through this too. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. At this point, fetal development is on a fast track and making large leaps . There is a strong fetal pole and tiny embryo, no heart beat at this first ultrasound and I'm to go back next Monday. I also am having strong symptoms (morning sickness, fatigue), so my hormones are on par. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Having been a member of this site for 10 years I can say I have literally seen women go through it all, many after their seemingly perfect BFPs. The RE said he was still hopeful but that the baby is more behind then they typically would see. Yes, I was a week behind but baby is perfect. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. don't worry. Have another scan in 2ish weeks for the nt, I am now 10 weeks! 5 years ttc. Having a d and c today to speed up the process. Too bad it wasn't the, "you have a BFP which will for sure turn out to be a healthy full term baby stage". Any thoughts? We've just adjusted my due date and assumed I ovulated later. At first she couldn't find a heartbeat and then found one at 103. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. And given that I've had an ectopic, and losses, and successes with rocky starts, it really is a true description. I have baby #5 here and I had never dated behind until this time around. For example, according to my LMP, I should be 7 weeks today. My RE was fairly adamant that it be 2 weeks so he would get a really good idea of the development at that point. The 12 week scan then pretty much backed the original dates as did the 20 week. Doesn't help that I've bled a little bit (just brown in my discharge) this week. I did have the D & C yesterday so I think I'll call in my Day One when I get my next period. I paid for a private scan yesterday where baby should have been measuring 7+5 and baby has had a growth spurt - is now measuring 8+3. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! I went in thinking 7 weeks but baby measured 6 weeks 4 days. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. They were able to find a heartbeat which was at 111 BPM, but the nurse said it is lower than normal, but is in the range you would expect for 6 weeks. I track temperatures and took OPKs and typically you ovulate 1-3 days after your positive OPK. We are so confused, hurt and frustrated. I've read that people do pelvic rest? The RE said he was still hopeful but that the baby is more behind then they typically would see. Meet people who are also expecting! (6+5) but developing well. Learn more about, As a Single Mom, I Struggled to Accept Help During the 4th Trimester, Learn About What to Expect's Pregnancy & Baby App. I had a US yesterday and they found a heart beat but my specialist told me to expect the worst. I had my first 6 week scan and measured 6+3. I think the early measurements are hard to be accurate. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I hope your recovery is quick.. it's such a rough Start to ivf. Our Dr wasn't concerned, but what concerns me is the small gestational sac. Meet other parents of October 2020 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. . If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. It's good to hear that they can catch up when they're over a week behind. (I know its hard), hope it works out for both of us! Lots of women say how it is no big deal but I really really really don't like it. Fingers crossed! I have read a lot of posts about mamas carrying twins and one sac being off as much as 2 weeks or more and both babies being fine. IVF baby measuring 8 days behind at 7 week scan. I am hoping to have a D & C tomorrow if they can fit me in so this can be over - my body doesn't seem to be recognizing that there's a problem too quickly on its own. But the baby is healthy so far! And then technically the PG I have right now was measuring way off based on LMP, but given that it was a 'spontaneous' PG we have no clue when I actually ovulated, but based on LMP I was literally weeks off. My OB wouldn't adjust my official due date unless the ultrasound placed my baby more than 2 weeks off from my original EDD. Like. One scan actually had me measuring 11+1! I went for an early scan yesterday when I was supposed to be 7w1-2d, but measures 6w5d with ultrasound CRL. The ultrasound tech found one baby measuring 6w3d. We had our first ultrasound yesterday Im suppose to be 6w4d yesterday. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. We are going back in a week for another scan and told to hope for the best but expect the worst. Please update after your next U/S. I had two embryos implanted and both took.. One split and have my twinnies and the other one only made it to 9 weeks but the point I am making is the one that didn't make it was a whole week behind the others two.. I'm not feeling like I will get good news in two weeks and as a result, just want this to be over. I had my first 6 week scan and measured 6+3. We are just so confused and feeling very upset but also neutral at this point, just looking for maybe any possible signs of hope or whether just expecting the worst is best. I think it might have been 1/16. The nurse practitioner basically told me to expect to miscarry but scheduled a follow up for the following week. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch, More posts in "IVF Pregnancy, Birth and Babies" group, Create post in "IVF Pregnancy, Birth and Babies" group. Is there any hope? I always thought the growth rate during first trimester is pretty consistent. I went in for an US the next day to make sure it was all over and was shocked to learn that the baby's growth had caught up, heartrate had sped up, and all the bleeding was the result of a subchorionic hemotoma. At our 7wk3day U/S, the GS was measuring a week behind. She says it wasn't beating sometimes and then it was. We had our scan last week and although there was a heartbeat, the baby was measuring very small, only 3mm which I believe is around 5 weeks, making it two weeks behind. Hi everyone, hope I'm posting in the right place. Let us know how you go with the next scan x, Sorry 5mm not 0.5 my brain is fried haha! I honestly wouldn't be worried about being a week behind. I wonder if they dont have a Doppler? sorry I had a SCH too on my first ultrasound but it went away by the second ultrasound two weeks later so I can't really give you any advice. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. At our 10 week ultrasound, baby was measuring 9w2d with a heartrate of 174 bpm. I came back the next week (7w2d) and baby had a nice heartbeat, 123,but still measured 6w2d. Another scan two weeks later and the baby had grown as required again, so it turns out my dates must have been later. Thank you so much for your reply and helpful information. 02/08/2016 13:27. 17/09/2020 09:45, I went for an early scan at 6w 3d. Thats great youre is catching up! The baby is measure at 1 week behind, or 6 weeks. THey just tell me its a strong heartbeat. Thanks so much! They think he implanted later. My placenta did not grow, therefore the baby could not grow. One website told me that 3mm foetal pole would be 6w3d so not sure why she told me I'm under 6! I'm pretty sure I'm in for bad news, but wanted some insight from those who may have been through this before, and those who may have success stories. A few days is normal from what Im reading. I am 7 wks, 2 days today (based on LMP) and I went in for my first ultrasound. She says it wasn't beating sometimes and then it was. Hopefuldadsomeday: Thank you for sharing your experiences too - I'm sorry for the losses you and your wife have had. What do you guys think? Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! . Don't worry if the doctor said everything looked good. Sperm can live for up to a week so unless you are 100% sure you know when you ovulated, you could have conceived a whole week after you had sex. Thinking of you and hoping you get amazing news soon. May is more than a month away, maybe you can reschedule earlier? Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. The positives are that the baby had a very strong heartbeat and every else looked good (yolk sac, placenta or whatever else they can see). I had a FET June 9 (embryo was 4AA). My IVF baby consistently measured about a week behind. From the moment the egg and sperm meet, your baby is growing. Nervousoptimist: I like that, the "anything can happen stage" - gives a bit more hope if an RE refers to it that way! Now I have to wait for 2 weeks for a follow up US. I think she said 0.5mm when at this stage it should be double that? To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. )I really hope it works out for you x. I had my US yesterday at 7w2d. Wow, we would form the perfect play dates. I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and the baby was measuring at 5 weeks. Perhaps the error range with ultrasound measurements could account for the remaining 3-4 days? It was super scary for us as we didn't even have a fetal pole at our 6 week scan, so we promptly freaked out thinking this was our 4th MC in a row. I mean, they told me that the ultrasound can have an error range of a few days and I could have ovulated later or implanted later. Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. The baby is measure at 1 week behind, or 6 weeks. 10 days later, I was measuring 7w3d (so less of a gap), and heart rate 143. I was expecting another m/c, so it was nice to move into a more normal range. Search twin pregnancies and smaller sacs. So it barely grew since the ultrasound I had two weeks ago. My ultrasound at 7 weeks 4 days showed the baby was measuring at 6 weeks 2 days (9 days behind) with a heartbeat of 100 that was "faint and difficult to measure". It usually has to do with . Also an IVF pregnancy, but with a frozen day 5 blast. February 2015. Your body may have just tricked you this time. Create an account or log in to participate. Anyone been in the same boat? When I went in to my 6w5d ultrasound, the doctor measured a 2mm fetal pole and no heartbeat. My little FET baby has been consistently 4 days behind for the last three weeks. For more information, please see our He gave us a referral to an Ultrasound Clinic so we could confirm the loss and then organise our management plan for a d and c. We were devastated and grieved our loss. How many weeks are you now? I thought I was 7w2d but she measured me around 5w5d which would be impossible with my dates and when I got my positive. 5 oz in Jan 2010 - My Pride and Joy. We then had a frozen embryo transfer that didn't stick at all then went with another 3 day old fresh embryo transfer that again stuck, again my numbers were on the low side and when we got to the scan baby again was too small so we went to another ultrasound clinic and yep baby measured 5 days behind this time but this time we didn't lose the baby we had a healthy baby boy in Feb. I know how far along I am I told her. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Is there any hope? ?? Easier said than done, but get through the next two weeks without stressing too much (nothing you can do to change the outcome & not good for you), & fingers crossed for the best! So I'm not worried. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Thanks for the tip! We did see a heartbeat. Unfortunately, there wasn't a heartbeat today and the embryo/fetus was measuring 6 weeks 3 days. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. They can be wrong. There was a 3mm baby but no HB .I've spent the last few days looking into it and there are a lot of success stories out there. My doc said 50/50 shot, "hopeful but concerned" any experience welcome. Thank you, I'm hoping she made a mistake but doubt it. More posts in "November 2018 Birth Club" group, Create post in "November 2018 Birth Club" group, the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information.

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