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2mm more and she would of been dead. The public in general wants to know how it is possible for Darlies mother Darlie Kee to have spent the past 23 years raping and robbing this case for every dime she can? We can all just wait and see what happens next, The fingerprint was ran!! Amen ! She was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the death of her 6-year-old son Devon. They just ignored it!! Shes where she belongs. They didnt. Absolutely not superficial cuts !! I heard someone say they stake the area out even sometimes sending a person who you may think is a neighborhood jogger to make sure there is no activity. He is still pushing that intruder theory and so long as that happens Darlie will never see the light of day. Read the transcript and you will know why they convicted her. Y does she have a bruised arm? The case of Darlie Routier is controversial and has the support of the innocence project. Did anyone ever consider that the cast off came from the actual killer? Why was she screaming they they they all over This is because they feel responsible, like they failed to protect their child. I agree totally. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. However, they had made up their mind from day one that she was guilty and that was it. I didnt want that hottie to have done it. In that same letter she mentioned how much she loved her kids and later in her diary admitted she could not leave them and wanted to see them grow up. Matthew Stump sounds like a real ignorant Fool! Sad all the way around. You cant stall the Justice System forever. I think that Darlie had a form of post partum depression and was hyper irritable due to a combination of conditions: Her husbands business was declining, with the third baby there were more responsibilities, the kids (the older one particularly) were hyper active and difficult to control,now they were out of school and on her hands 24/7 maybe she was drinking or doing some drugs. I saw him! You people are just as bad as portrayed on tv, as my gramma used to say. Charming comment.not !! She was made to be guilty by the fact that 1. One second Darin was pretending to be doing cpr on Devon and the next minute he snuck out the back sliding doors. There is mounds of evidence against Darin and the jury was never shown any of it. They had the proof she didnt do it back then. Just another family lie. Thank you my thoughts exactly !!! I dont believe she or anyone else for that matter could take a knife to their throat and cut it within a fraction of an inch away from the carotid artery. 1000s of others blame someone else at first then adimit to the crime. If she gets a new trial the outcome will be completely different. Long time, no comment. Sad to say he was beyond help at this point. The sock had Darlies DNA in the toe area, and the boys blood on it. The 85-J unknown fingerprint was in blood and weve tested that and theres no DNA in it. In June 2011, Darin and Darlie got a divorce. Ive googled these questions and I cant seem to get a straight answer. Its no way in Hell she will get out, unless its in a heavy duty card box. All the time. I just reread Lynch and Kathryn Longs testimony about blood at the sink. As for the new testing, the Dallas County District Attorneys office told NBC 5 when its completed there will be a hearing to review the results. Innocence Project cant change the facts of this repulsive case. Its truly disturbing to see people so cruelly obsessed with one womans execution. He hired someone to come in and rob them but it somehow went wrong, and the person fled before taking anything. That doesnt make it true?? Perfectly said ! A 5 year old can see Darlie did this. Of course, if 85-J is run through the national database and a match pops up or if DNA tests pass the high bar of proving the presence of a man in the Routier home that night who had no business being there, there might not be another trial at all. From my research the evidence point away from Darlie and directly at Darin. They probably think we are white trash who picked ourselves up and made something of ourselves which people like some of you suburban yuppies love to hate. Why?? Which was probably on the table if she would have just admitted to the crime. He have a 500,000 dollar life insurance motive for doing the crime and the evidence proves he also had the opportunity to commit the crime. Starting in June 2008, new DNA tests have been done on the evidence from the Routier crime scene with the support of both the prosecution and the defense. At least we speak for the victims. The State of Texas got it right, and she is long overdue to fulfill her sentence condemning her to death. It is because they are keyboard warriors. Thats what I call poetic justice. My original thou2on this is he committed the murder because thats who he really is and thought he could make money again if he was wrongfully convicted. know what to do about that, so you know what they did!???? The 911 call was also not completely shown and the idea that she was setting herself up is completely false when you listen to the whole transcript not to mention investigators never took prints of the boys when they got there which is illegal procedure. This is the 1st time I heard about this case saw it on amazonprime about women on death row. Now after all these years, her wishes have come true. The bloody sock almost a football fields length away from the house. They are as obstinate as the bonehead who had it all figured out in 20 to 30 minutes That was a LAZY investigator who should have been relieved of his job! pray@altoonamirror.com An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. You know why some people believe Darlie is guilty? How is it possible that that Darin Routier was never investigated? WTF is wrong with you? much love from this side of the pond . Those bruises on her arms where horrendous, she would have to have help getting those if shes not innocent & then measure how far up she would have to go with a knife on her neck to be 2 millimetres from her jugular vein ? The party followed a prayer service for both Devon and his younger brother Damon, but TV cameras didnt capture the tears, Kee said, only a frolicking Routier. Thats a big issue She didnt want to mention that in court but if she had passed you better believe she would have been shouting it from the rooftops that she had passed it!!!! The last time I bruised that badly, I was thrown by my horse into the side of a stationary car at quite a speed, I had bruising down my legs that looked the same colour as the bruises on her arms, how would she have done that to herself ? Especially when its All circumstantial evidence. Again, thank you for your well-stated and thought-provoking comment. If she did it, great, they got the right person and those poor children got justice. In the 20 years since Devon and Damons deaths, Routiers family hasnt been able to fully grieve for the boys. Shes where shes at for those reasons and hopefully soon all of her appeals will be ran out and her execution date will be laid down on her. Alan you pompous ASS Ameticans will speak English any damn way we want to. My son died his senior year in college. Even that doesnt say she did it. Sexism? Phil Ray. Two men with a knife tried to break into a house thats six minutes away shortly before the murders. I dont know if shes innocent or not but theres enough doubt to make a reasonable person think this should be reopened and access to the DNA & available to either prove or extinguish reasonable doubt, which is part of the due process the Constitution guarantees us & that has been secured by the lives of brave men & women for over 200 years. Simply reading the transcripts of the trial will tell you that she never received a fair trial. Just as disturbing as an innocent woman being convicted of murdering her children, is the fact that the true murderer(s) is free and will likely never be brought to justice for their crime At least, not during their natural life span. Your psychopath daughter was wheeled past the room her Damon laid in dead. Character judgement should never been allowed to the extent that happened. Ignorant people for sure. Jurors want to believe their government has got the right person.. Her 4 yr old pressing on her shoulder and saying mommyis what woke her? Jurors in Kerr County watched the video at least seven times before convicting Routier of capital murder in 1997 for the deaths of one of the boys. I guess we can take your silence to mean no, you wouldnt have the balls lol. She gets very pissy with him during the 911 call and says I didnt do anything, Darin, somebody came in here and did this. Days after the murders. Routier has always claimed a stranger had broken into the home and killed the kids. They are both involved, Darins initial remarks to the police scream volumes as to his guilt. There is absolutely no Who put your panties in a knot ? This was a witch hunt. A sock with the victims blood found three houses away. Did you know that Darin left that house right after officer Waddell and him walked into that house? I think her supporters either do not like to be wrong or they havent opened their eyes and read factual information, not just a book or 1 leaning documentary. Well golly gee my auto correct works because I probably typed Damians name in recently and he is a supporter so Ill correct myself just for you DAMON hope you booty feels better now . It lit up like Christmas. He divorced her and is probably remarried livinggn the good life. I know that if she gets out they will just charge her with her other sons murder and try harder to mislead/explain things like the sock Im sure her life is over either way. but they only took a certain portion of this letter and said HA heres her confession. They refuse to investigate him. There and back is 1 1/2 football fields away. Shes got to get her money back in the civil suit that is surely to follow. June 14 was a big day for Kee and the defense team. They know that the streets are no safer when I was or was not on them. That is hugewhy did they NOT say that they tested that flesh for DNA? Reasonable doubt! Has everyone lost their minds. We missed your pathetic ass LOL. The print has already been ran and IT WASNT DARLIES lol. Since 1994, Fort Worth Weekly has provided a vibrant alternative to North Texas often-timid mainstream media outlets by offering incisive, irreverent reportage that keeps readers well informed and the powers-that-be worried. They shouldnt be in law enforcement because they dont have enough brains to do the job correctly. Possibly over money ? Ive watched her. No idea of what evidence vs. opinions are. The Bible says we wud see all kinds of things .. No intruder only her husband. Any DNA found from an unknown person must be proven to be connected to the crime. Kathy has not been exposing the truth about Darin, Why? He probably covered their mouths so their screams were muffled when he killed them because despite what you small minded barbaric assholes (who probably get off on the fact that we execute people and probably the same people itching with their concealed handgun licenses waiting for legal grounds to shoot someone )think you know about the criminal mind, you dont know shit. Most she should have received is life or life with parole. This was a pained mother who lost her sons. Conflict of interest? But no, the adult potential witness has superficial wounds. She needed to be criminally charged for what she did in that call. I am so sorry for what has happened to your children. No one was supposed to be home, let alone get hurt. They never investigated her husband. Darin Routier could not be excluded from a lot of the items tested. Really? May 2003: Court of Criminal Appeals upholds the conviction. They just happened to change venues to a town with a different socioeconomic standard and religious affiliation. Evidence was collected in brown paper bags not in a normal way. As a paralegal in training, I would kill for a chance to research the case. Not every car that drives into a neighborhood & parks is there for sinister purposes. At least, thats what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row after savagely stabbing her 5- and 6-year-old sons 20 years ago Monday as her husband and 7-month-old son slept upstairs. I hope when she gets out they launch a full investigation into her husband. The POLICE and FBI are getting evidence on him now! Hence the bloody sock. Ive taken 911 calls for 25 years. Or considering staging. Over all the cases I have seen in the past few years this one is the one that just doesnt add up to her being guilty. No; some blood washed down the drain while the water was running. Look at the Anthony Graves case & the district attorney Charles Sebesta knew before Anthonys trial began that he was innocent cuz Robert Carter informed him. She loved to stab unless it was on her. Youre the Darlie fangirl. Now, wouldnt a smart system who cares for its people charge small time drug criminals a fine before putting them in jail. The majority of suburban Texans judge and are afraid of anything they perceive as different. Im not sure but I can see the underlying hints of sexism and projecting stereotypes on how mothers and woman should be. Instead of whiny TV programs where Darlie plays victim and spins the same old narrative, how about presenting new evidence to the court. Darin Routier has never been investigated. Rampant racism, sexism, and an antiquated, corrupt justice system where they execute first and ask questions never? And her husbands life insurance was 800,000. Im not even gonna comment on this, to many ignorant people in the world, and the state of Texas leads the way and thats fact. Darin Routier knows what happened so does Darlie Kee and Sarilda and Lenny Routier. STUPID JUDGES who denied her right to retrials should be held accountable and off the bench. (because they continued surveillance at the cemetery-but only chose to show a happy time -instead of the memorial service they had prior). Dat You mean Darins sock that had a large amount of Darlies DNA in the toe, and the murdered childrens blood on it? There are no photos of the Routiers sink after the luminol was applied. One perp stabs and slashes in seconds. If this was a random stranger out to kill this mom & sons(why?) How could there be a dna test on the sock? 911 operators are NEVER allowed to give any kind of medical directive. It was hers wasnt the husbands. Everyone is supposed to be playing by the same rules & procedures. Its not a mistake that can be taken back. I do think many factors contributed to Mrs. Routiers conviction. No way was this case proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I hate to accuse but given her not waking up and poor memory, thats what makes sense to me, Who kills kids before an adult,,, Thank gawd you dont make important decisions. I believe you are innocent. What forensics? As for the video of the family at the graveside. Her other child, an infant named Drake, was upstairs asleep with her husband Darin and both . Maybe they have something now. You are both disgusting. It was all warped to get the jury to believe she is evil and the media helped push the story along. Her husband would have gotten blood on him if he tried unless he was dressed in something from breaking bad. When that day comes Im going to knock on the doors of a few choice people and spray those f***ers down with silly string. According to Darlie Kee she stands by her claims that he is innocent of the crime. This was such a tragedy and she was doomed from the start. I only hope your comment reaches all the way to their brains. Darlie will be proven innocent when unicorns pee blue. That 911 operator should have been criminally charged for pure negligence throughout that entire 911 call. Life threatening injuries to the neck usually require more than steri strips to close. Bless your heart! Who needs breast implants?? Cron said he determined within 20 to 30 minutes of arriving at the Routier home that there had been no intruder. Prosecutors described Routier as materialistic and self-absorbed. . Is it because I believe Darlie innocent? Even 20 years later, its hard to think about the suffering they went through. The blood splatter alone on her shirt is enough to find her guilty. If youve ever been in a fight or witnessed one you would know that. IF SHES NOT RITE OF HER HEAD WHY SHE DIDNT KILL HER SELF. Darlie did not inflict those wounds on herself. It will never happen. He is a sadistic killer and a continued threat to women. Darkie never stood a chance! Some people dont get it. The suicide theory was pushed by the lead detective & the County Coroner at the time. A couple of them have passed away already, including her defense attorney. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. Darlie is now finally starting to admit that it was very possible Darin was involved, but it is going to take a hell of a lot more than that. It would have taken a while and notes would have been found somewhere. I honestly feel there is a chance the husband may have not been involved but know 100% Darlie played no part. Dont live in the past. We see that in the political arena the last couple of years. He said Damon was moving. Cops arent provers of ideas they are supposed to be conduits of truth and impartial! They said its not a match for anyone in house. I agree with Nellie. Im positive theres a lot of innocent people sitting in prison for dumb reasons like this. Instead she has used that money to live high on the hog even taking the time to go on extended fishing trip with Darlies new boyfriend? She has no limits. Its because there have been numerous delays. I see you. Guilty people usually will do anything to avoid being questioned about the event. They did not say Darin was innocent just not enought evidence to prove he was involved. THIS WOMEN IS INNOCENT. Luminol showed blood all over the area of the sink which was cleaned up. Even though I had always assumed that the facts pointed to Darlies guilt, I also thought that the husband, Darin, had to be involved on some level. She may not have killed them but she knew what was going to happen. The fact that no cars were visible in the driveway and think about the strange car near the home the day of and week before the murders. And what the neighbor had for them- a black car. Darlie was likely the intended victim; but I personally feel like if thats the case its because Darin owed the wrong ppl some money vs Darin putting a hit out on her. I told him I was willing to wait 6 months to go to trial and when we went to court a week later, the d.a. Police were called to the Routier home on Eagle Drive around 2:30 a.m. on June 6, 1996. Nothing about his story appeared to fit, but the police were not aware of this because they failed to investigate Darin. As Ive retired, I have decided to attempt to try to improve the lives of our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens by continuing to write about issues such as the Routier Case. another eye opener of our very flawed justice system. The speaker at the Dallas rally was Kristine Bunch, who was convicted of setting a fire that killed her 3-year-old son in 1996. The entire story Davis gave about this case was a complete joke. The brutal era of Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade spanned from 1951 to 1987, overlapping with James Crons career at the Dallas County Sheriffs Office. As of 2022, the results of these tests are still pending. The only reason he isnt on Death Row is because if Darlie implicates him as an accomplice, she would inadvertantly admit to her own guilt aka the truth. Her innocence will be proven with DNA testing. Cooper said some previous testing included pubic hair found at the scene and was of no use. It is time for Darlie to wake up and start spilling the beans about that ex husband of hers.

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