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I'm of the generation called "Millenials," which is a label that I dislike, since it seems to imply that my generation is lost and stupid, or at least that's how I perceive it. (1995). You are public uglies and should be banned from going outdoors. I recently went out to dine a "chain Italian" restaurant that shall be nameless, but is one that is very popular and is nationwide. Quite absurd and totally devoid of fashion. Today, I still go out in public wearing decent-looking clothes. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. Distribution and use of this material are governed by That thought chills me and make me sad, and more lonely for days gone by. I hope this reply helps. LOL. One would think this common sense, but evidently it's a mystery to those at the management level. It's absolutely ridiculous. But now I'm starting to blame the so-called fashion gurus for the problem of people being so poorly and slovenly dressed and having no sense. I wish more of us could understand that. The guys who showed up--many of whom were single--looked like they were about to go hiking or to the beach. If there is a piece of your content used in one of my posts that you wish removed, kindly contact me via the contact form and I will delete it. Opinion: American Men Need to Stop Dressing Like Overgrown Toddlers I almost forgot abojt this blog! (I hate Picasso, for example.) Have you noticed how horrendous women's hair styles look nowadays? One of Spokane's long-embraced myths holds that our attitudes about casual attire are sharply divided along generational lines. Justin Bieber in all of his tattooed, T-shirted and untamed hair glory earlier this month in New York City. Adult couples wearing raggedy t-shirts with some ugly nonsense graphic on it. You can see what this means by tuning into Judge Judy and looking at how far down the tubes America has really gone in the last 20-30 years! I do; a little mans suit with shiny black shoes, a little fake kerchief, and a perfect coiffure. I volunteer at a thrift store. There, a nation of slobs paraded through the crossroads of America. It made the manufactures rich and the rest if us look like slobs. when running errands, by the way. They even go so far as to consider formal clothing stiff and boring. Can we assume that the USA is a decadent nation that has given up trying to maintain what was once considered a decent standard in clothing and fashion representation? To me it's no different then saying you don't like a certain artist and their artwork. These are kids who have no style whatsoever and were raised on a damn Iphone. Hi Anonymous, welcome and thank you for your comments! I'm just at a loss as to why someone thinks that looks good. This is a lot like what happened to the car industry in America during the 70s. Women should never wear leggings - if only they can see how awful they look in it, or maybe they know but it is what the stores want you to buy so they all buy the same crap. (please,take them, and far away if you do. I'd rather see a return of the old "zootsuits" than what I see people wear nowadays--or at least some of the 1960-1970 clothes. She wanted to buy a white pair of women's underwear, but we couldn't find any. It has gotten so bad now that if a man wears an ordinary suit outside of a strictly professional business he will be conspicuous, and people will wonder if he's some snob or is rich and showing off. I'm optimistic for the 2020s to see if we will see a fashion renaissance. It's not a question of money, but of class, as in the way you present yourself in public. I'm actually taking a little break from blogging but am already getting inspired to resume posting soon. I mean, c'mon, it looks like they just fell out of bed and put on some baggy pants, and take their greasy hairew!and cover it up with a backwards cap and, like, we're expected to swoon? Ive noticed that many people do not have seasonal or situational appropriate clothing and they just look bad. Even the way they dress casually is heads and tails above us. I notice those physical traits, too, but also the way he is dressed. Why Are Male Celebrities Dressing like Such Slobs? My theory about the dress culture getting out of hand is due to the influence of music culture. Tell this to the same idiots who make stupid faces on snapchat or like to bullshit there lives on Instagram. Showing up on time, looking nice, and sitting in the front attentive and off your phone ought to go a long way!Lastly, let's talk about body shapes. I'm not saying that I think all men should be wearing gray flannel suits or that all women should be wearing Paris dresses like they did in the conformist 1950s. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). No wonder everybody from Patti LuPone on down is complaining that nobody knows how to behave anymore: If you dress like a child, chances are you're going to act like one. Women need to start wearing appropriate clothing as well. I can say with the strongest of confidence that Americans, both men and women, dress like absolute dog shit. Post Comments I really hope this trend does not continue into the 2020s. These teachers dress like slobs. I just don't understand why females dress like slobs. But really, that's essentially what we are doing now as a nation, as Pam points out. I work in a hospital and every morning, the filth that comes in is strangely the same; middle aged or older couples deessed in old nasty t-shirts with some ugly meaningless logo, sweatpants for the gals, dirty jeans and tennis shoes for both and nearly all smell like ash trays. It's all being done by design on purpose and it's happening with everything not just the way people are dressed, not just with them being extremely fat, and not just with them having tattoos all over their bodies, it's happening in every single solitary possible way it could happen within the USA. In the winter I wear simple jackets or coats. Look at TV shows, like Hawaii Five-O, past vs new series. Kids play tennis at Forest Hills West Side Tennis Club, famous for its strict all-white dress code. Have lunch with friends in a "dress" that looks like it is a loose, wrinkled top (did you forget your pants) and shoes you could hike in. I posted about my distaste for tattoos on the Facebook page for this blog a couple of weeks ago, along with how I feel it's a serious sign of the lack of self love people have for themselves and their bodies (and also a denial of their natural beauty.) Sweat pants, yoga pants for women, t shirts - it's pathetic. I go to my local library; instead of handing my items to a waiting librarian to check them out for me, as I once used to do, I am now made to do it myself. Despite warnings from his boss, Casado refused to upgrade his on-air wardrobe and was subsequently fired. We've received your submission. ", image is the provenance of the non-performer.or, as we said in the Army, "All show, no go. Unless you have a personal tailor, probably at least 99% of clothing sold in what was once middle class retail stores is cheaply mass produced in some chinese sweat factory. Fat people as well as very thin should not wear what they call leggings.These are tights not pants. So if someone looks like a slob, it's completely their fault. Every time I see some eejit wearing pants that are 10 sizes too big, waistband below their butt, flaunting their boxers to everyone--I want to give them a good paddling for being slobs and see them shamed by standing on a busy street corner wearing a big sign about being a slob in public (or something to that effect). They were probably forced upon her by stylists in order for her to look presentable, for red carpet events or award shows. Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. I can go to the thrift shop and put together a nice outfit for $10 so when my coworkers, who show up in jeans/leggings say they can't afford to look nice that's unacceptable to me. Throw them in jail for indecent exposure already! A clear picture of your soon-to-be debonair self is essential. This nonsense has to stop right now. Just my 2^2/3 cents worth. Even when I dont wear makeup or style my hair, I see to it that I am clean and presentable. What is notable in both countries is that the standard goes up with the average income of the shoppers.Ties I can live without, but there are plenty to be had in UK shops, and if anything they seem to be having a revival especially with younger men. A suggestion in one of the European books was to save all your worn-out, stained, threadbare clothes for your big European vacation, and then throw out each item after it was worn - that way, there would be ever-increasing space in your suitcase for souvenirs. Too much soft-pedaling stuff/PC ,these days,is another part of the decline in class,IMHO. If you always look slovenly, dirty, homeless, trashy, or otherwise tacky, chances are theyll assume that you actually are those things and treat you accordingly. I know it is harder for my apple shape to look nice, but I do try so hard to look nice. It's truly revolting and frankly, seems dangerous--you're just asking for an infection. Classy, wouldn't you say? Take off the f#$%^&*g ballcaps, for chrissakes! I don't get it. ( It's hard to look good in anything,if you look like a beached whale,both men&women. I am sure there is some blame to be put on the top fashion designers who dictate what should be in fashion but come on, bring back real clothing.All this from Canada, I might add. Obviously they pay money for all of it! When did American youth culture stop being cool and interesting? I was reminded of a David Sedaris essay where he suggested to North Americans visiting Paris that one shouldn't visit another person's country dressed like they have come over to fix the plumbing. The woman he was with had on shorts, tank-top, an un-zipped hooded sweat jacket and tenni-runners. \: Yes Pam, I think you are completely right when you say that these businesses are trying to save a dime at the expense of customer service and shave their labor costs. "Dress for success" is a true statement. October 2008. Frayed denim hems swept the filthy floor. *laugh*, Do you remember the effort put out in buying an Easter outfit? I refuse to look like a slob. So I definitely see some of the worst here, although I do try to stay out of Walmart if at all possible. Take a look at television shows from the 1950s or at "Mad Men," and note how stylish people dressed when in public. All they want is the convenience of distracting digital pacifiers, so they can be controlled by Big Brother while their empire falls apart. You go into public and see people who don't even try to get dressed after getting out of bed. A person can always change his clothes, but he can't change ugly tattoos. What happened to the days when you had to go out "dressed appropriately"? The same store today has nothing to speak of anymore, which is a pity. and implants. Why would you want to emulate a style that's notoriously associated with gangs and criminals? Gene - first of all, from a fellow Pole to another, dzien dobry! Sadly, you are right, only now we have miraculous technology instead of religion. A few people also unfollowed the page. A 'real man' should know how to dress. But America celebrates slobs How about the trashy women who wear bra tops with ugly tattoos showing? They have already been forgotten and more mass shootings will inevitably follow. Take a look sometime at how male movie stars are dressed for a magazine shoot, and especially European celebs. Suits, ties, and dresses: Ah yes, the way people used to dress for summer BBQs. Zero class. But I can't understand why, given that modern technology has provided new fabrics, better environmental controls (A/C . Burlington Coat Factory, Filene's Basement, and Marshall's all have designers clothes marked down to ridiculous prices. It is a question of class. One does'nt have to 'dress up' per se,but they can certainly try to dress decently/nice. People's fashion changes from state to state or even county to county. All this nonsense with the jeans (mining and peasant trousers) started in the 70s with the rise of the left. Can we judge an entire country by its clothing choices? And what happened to nice big collars?I blame the education system where they let their teachers come to work in casual sloppy clothing and I also blame the retail business and wholesale manufacturers. I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. When I was a boy, I remember my mother once telling me she couldn't go to the store until she took the curlers from her hair. The store thanked me for reporting this and said they would take care of the problem. etymology - Meaning and origin of "dressed like a slob" - English Also, I've never understood the appeal of bulky hooded sweatshirts, particularly on women. The baffling popularity of reality TV shows like. Why has it become fashionable to actually want to look like a bum even when you've got plenty of moola to your name? The same thing happened when I wanted to buy a white dress shirt, with mop buttons, but couldn't find any What I want to say is, that even if you want to maintain a classic style for yourself, then you are most probably doomed because there is not the demand for classic clothes as it once used to be. It seems to get worse every year. To fit in you have to look like your from a homeless shelter over here. I see so much women whos breast are ready to fall out and leggings to tight. This nonsense needs to stop right now. These teachers dress like slobs. The Bump Half the time you cant figure it out. Good piece, Pam--I honestly think about this almost everyday (from an office perspective). I have a busy life and chronic pain. The status marker . 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8, Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a subscriber? P.S. And to make my point, all one has to do is watch the Oscars and see how the celebrities turn up at the awards, with their goofy outfits, or with some men wearing SNEAKERS with their tuxedos. The examples go on and on, but it is coming to the point where interactions with other people, even as a customer, are lowering to a nadir.

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