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2-3 -4The cost of each score is shown on the Ability ScorePoint Cost table. Security experience. Regardless of your science show a creativity surpassed by few in the position in that range, your size is Medium. If you're already familiar withTrandoshans, the dexterous Twi'leks, and the utilitarian the game, or if you are joining an existing D&Ddroid. power is reected by an adventurer's level.Unlike a game of make-believe, D&D gives structure to There's no winning and losing in any DUNGEONS ANDthe stories, a way of determining the consequences of DRAGONS gameat least, not the way those terms arethe adventurers' action. For example, the specialcreate a character of your own. the equipment granted by your background:HIT POINTS (a) a simple vibroweapon or (b) a simple blaster andHit Dice: 1d8 per engineer level two power cellsHit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modier (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's packHit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Combat suit, a set of tinker's tools, a vibrodagger, and a wristpad modier per engineer level after 1stPROFICIENCIES VARIANT: STARTING WEALTHArmor: Light armor In lieu of the equipment granted by your class andWeapons: Simple blasters, simple vibroweapons background, you can elect to purchase your startingTools: Tinker's tools and one of your choice gear. star wars arms and equipment guide. You can understand spoken and written Galactic Basic, but your vocal cords do not allow you to speak it. (English, Unclassified) Tags Numbers A trueberserker among these people is as uncommon as askilled ghter in a town, and he or she plays a similarrole as a protector of the people and a leader in timesof war. your next long rest or until you die, the object becomesYou use these tech points to cast tech powers. I've been working on this for years, andI'm fallible.And, of course: Lucaslm and Lucasarts, for Star Wars itself.5 CREDITSPREFACE CHAPTER 6: CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONSThis conversion has been a labor of love of mine since New multiclassing requirements/prociencies, and2015. Chooseany creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide thosehit points among them. following feature: Your class gives you a variety of special features, When you fail an ability check, if you added yoursuch as a ghter's mastery of weapons and armor, and prociency bonus to the check and you did not havean engineer's powers. Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 15, Attack of the Clones. Andoften, the adventurers spend time trying to solve a EXPLORATIONpuzzle, bypass an obstacle, nd something hidden, or Exploration includes both the adventurers' movementunravel the current situation. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled and you have advantage onOVERDRIVE ENHANCEMENT Strength checks made to push, pull, lift, or break objects.Also at 3rd level, you gain a cybernetic enhancement.Choose one of the following enhancements and gain MORE MACHINE THAN MANits feature. To do so, youFORCE POINTS spend 1 additional force point and choose a number ofYou have a number of force points equal to your those creatures up to your Wisdom or Charismaconsular level x 4, as shown in the Force Points column modier (your choice, minimum of one). When you haveeither advantage or disadvantage, you roll a secondd20 when you make the roll. Their densely packed jungle Adept Climbers. Their society is highly considered to have expertise in the Technology skill.regimented, with everything from mate selection to Languages. Because the GM can improvise to react to cameras scan the surrounding area, and a anything the players attempt, D&D is innitely exible, cadre of bored looking guardsmen wait and each adventure can be exciting and unexpected. 2. As a jawa, you have the following special traits. Olfactory organs beneath their eyes are responsible for their sense of smell. But most of thethat will aect your play of the game. One die (designated before you roll) gives the tens digit, andHOW TO PLAY the other gives the ones digit. Slavery is the main currency of Ryloth. village out of superstition or jealousy. Before you dive into step 1 below, think about thekind of adventurer you want to play. Bith typically stand 5 to 6 feet tall and generallyextremely nearsighted as a result. The smells of cooking following entries appear among the traits of mostin dozens of dierent cuisines mingle with the odors of species.crowded streets and poor sanitation. anything? To be shamed or captured during a minutes at a time. You know the denounce at-will Sith pureblood names are not conventional. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you the population on their original homeworld of Korriban as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were as well as cultivated an intensely xenophobic society. These are not and weigh about 160 lbs. whom they would appease through acts which increased their Jagannath points. Star Wars - Galaxy Guide 15, Attack of the Clones. Afterward, make any changesAbility Scores", tools in "Equipment.") Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Zabraks tend toward no particulartattoos, which are made up of thin lines received alignment. Stephens, Rodney Thompson, Comics and Graphic Novel Contribution Inbox, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Wookiees tend toward the light side, SOCIETY AND CULTURE though there are exceptions. NAMES Thieves. Tremorsense can'ttogruta hunt their herbivorous prey, the togruta live in be used to detect ying or incorporeal creaturessmall communities in the forest valleys. Your character's background describes where he orshe came from, his or her original occupation, and thecharacter's place in the D&D world. CHOOSE A SPECIES (XP). Due to the uncontrolled nature of their more at higher levels, as shown in the Force Powerspowers, marauders have a dangerous predilection for Known column of the Marauder Approach Forcecastingthe strength and raw power oered by the dark side, table. You have prociency with with oneZabrak are often seen by most other species as being artisan's tool of your choice.single-minded, an observation that is not terribly Darkvision. At 20th level, you embody the power of the wilds. When you HYDRAULIC OVERRIDESland you deal kinetic damage equal to your Strength While you're raging you can use a bonus action on yourmodier to each creature within 5 feet of where you turn to knock a Large or smaller creature prone whenland. The rst part is their family name, the Basic and Cheunh. The volume of While bothans are suitable for many classes, they backstabbing, subtle character assassination and most iconically t as operatives. Many other Size. The players describe what they want to do.Sometimes one player speaks for the whole party, The same d notation appears in the expressionssaying, "We'll take the east door," for example. system in an isolated Outer Rim region called the Stygian Caldera. Regardless of your position in that range, SOCIETY AND CULTURE your size is Medium. Ignoring the distractions of have a special reaction you can take on a number ofunimportant events, your attention hones in on the allies' turns equal to your Charisma modier (minimumbattleeld and how best to direct and control it. Using the information in the Personality andBackground chapter, you can esh out yourcharacter's physical appearance and personality traits.Choose your character's alignment (the moralcompass that guides his or her decisions) and ideals.The Personality and Background chapter also helpsyou identify the things your character holds most dear,called bonds, and the flaws that could one dayundermine him or her. just blood ties. You use these force points to cast force powers. Togruta culture focuses on unity whichhead-tails, whose stripes were darker than those of the causes them to tend toward the light side, thoughmontrals. newfound status. First, make Wisdom or Charisma your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Sometimesyour imagination. You can't have a score lower than 8. Similarly, bith have Speed. Blostopa, Mega, Novrar, Rebroke 32CHAPTER 3: CLASSES Adventurers sometimes advance in more than one class. Whether helpful or harmful, chapter 3 and personality traits in chapter 4.powers appear frequently in the life of an adventurer,and it is the focus of chapters 10 and 11. Featuring everything you need to play and run the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, this book features updated content from all six Star Wars films, updated rules that take full advantage of advances in the d20 system, and a streamlined system that makes it easier than ever to get a game running. You can survive for one hour withinpowerful kel dor families. Wookiees have retractable claws. The majority of names often have softer big sounds and Hide. Their art, music, literature, and and rarely weigh more than 150 lbs. When he identies a potential problem,he keys in a quick combination in his wristpad. One ability score of youracross the galaxy, including Naboo, Tatooine, andAlderaan. As the helmet locks into place, the ocer leapsinto the air, ying overhead and raining destruction onthe opposition. It is this trait, named Wrendui, that betrays them when increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1. members of their kind intend to be duplicitous in their Age. Bil, I'zers, Nullo, Taciss, Zaln CHAPTER 2 | SPECIES Female Names. Explorationwhich way to travel and what they'll try to do next. This information can help youvariety of human ethnicities. A weapon that A character with high Intelligence might be highly has the thrown property, such as a vibrodagger, caninquisitive and studious, while a character with low use your Strength modier instead.Intelligence might speak simply or easily forget details. 1 -5 You have 27 points to spend on your ability scores. Surnames are familial. Building Han Solo On your character sheet, record all the features that Each step of character creation includes an example of your class gives you at 1st level. To determine an ability modier without consulting the table, subtract 10 from the ability score Your prociency bonus can't be added to a single die and then divide the result by 2 (round down). Togruti is an ornate languageTogruta names are typically long. and in many bookstores.It covers the kinds of die rolls you make to determinesuccess or failure at the tasks your character attempts, In these rules, the dierent dice are referred to byand describes the three broad categories of activity in the letter d followed by the number of sides: d4, d6, d8,the game: exploration, interaction, and combat. For instance, a d6 is a six-sided die (the typical cube that many games use). Sith have a larger than average Ability Score Increase. Search the history of over 806 billion You can speak, read, and write GalacticZabrak names are usually derived from the animals Basic and Zabraki.living on their planet. Your Charisma score number of individuals with potential to use the Force in increases by 2, and your Strength or Dexterity score their species, so high in fact that the entire species was increases by 1. considered strongly Force-sensitive. Scholar is a brand new class. You have advantage onto hunt each other in various wars and gladiatorial Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve hearing orcontests. See chapter 10 for the general rules ofwithin them, a well of untamed power from the depths forcecasting and chapter 11 for the force powers list.of their fury. You can speak, read, and write GalacticNAMES Basic and Rodese. Whenever you make an ability check or saving throwWhen you choose this discipline at 3rd level, you gain that uses Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, you canprociency in armormech's tools, medium armor, and treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores Tech save DC = 8 + your prociency bonus + of your choice by 1. He peers through his tinted goggles, ignoring theshouts of his ship captain as the enemy descends onthe hanger. Wars and disasters have the vacuum of space. Bwif'livi, Gra'kit, Hia'faitu, Main'dil many cognates.19 CHAPTER 2 | SPECIESCHISSVISUAL CHARACTERISTICSSkin Color Blue or silverHair Color Black, blue, or silverEye Color RedDistinctions Glowing red eyes, above-average night visionPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSHeight 4'11" +2d10" x(2d4) lb.Weight 110 lb.SOCIOCULTURAL CHARACTERISTICSHomeworld CsillaLanguage CheunhBIOLOGY AND APPEARANCE CHISS TRAITSThe chiss are a near-human species distinguished by As a chiss, you have the following special traits.their blue skin and glowing red eyes. "Using Ability Scores" has more information alignment (chaotic light). each adventure completed, and each relic recovered not only adds to the continuing story, but also earns Drew (playing Dash): I want to throw a grenade the adventurers new capabilities. PLAYER'S HANDBOOKTABLE OF CONTENTS 5 Guardian 69 6 Form I: Shii-Cho 73Credits 7 Form II: Makashi 74Preface 8 Form III: Soresu 75Introduction 8 Monk 76Using This Book 8 Echani Order 80How to Play 9 Nightsister Order 81Game Dice 9 Ters Ksi Order 82Specic Beats General 10 Operative 83Round Down 9 Gunslinger Practice 86The Three Pillars of Adventuring 17 Lethality Practice 87Chapter 1: Step-By-Step Characters 18 Saboteur Practice 88Chapter 2: Species 19 Scholar 90Bith 20 Physician Pursuit 95Bothan 21 Politician Pursuit 98Chiss 22 Tactician Pursuit 100Duros 23 Scout 102Human 24 Deadeye Technique 106Jawa 25 Hunter Technique 108Kel Dor 26 Stalker Technique 109Mon Calamari 27 Sentinel 110Rodian 28 Path of Aggression 114Sith Pureblood 29 Path of Focus 115Togruta 30 Path of Shadows 116Trandoshan 31 Chapter 4: Backgrounds 117Twi'lek 32 Character Details 117Wookiee 33 Inspiration 119Zabrak 34 Backgrounds 119Chapter 3: Classes 37 Agent 120Berserker 38 Bounty Hunter 121Augmented Approach 40 Criminal 122Marauder Approach 41 Entertainer 123Warchief Approach 45 Gambler 124Consular 46 Jedi 125Way of Balance 47 Mandalorian 126Way of Lightning 48 Mercenary 127Way of the Sage 51 Noble 128Engineer 54 Scientist 129Armormech Engineering 57 Scoundrel 130Armstech Engineering 62 Sith 131Astrotech Engineering 66 Smuggler 132Fighter 67 Soldier 133Assault Specialist 68 Spacer 134Shield SpecialistTactical Specialist3 TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)Chapter 5: Equipment 135 Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores 171Wealth 135 Ability Scores and Modiers 171Currency 135 Advantage and Disadvantage 171Selling Treasure 135 Prociency Bonus 172Armor and Shields 136 Ability Checks 172Light Armor 137 Using Each Ability 174Medium Armor 137 Saving Throws 178Heavy Armor 137 Chapter 8: Adventuring 179Getting Into and Out of Armor 138 Time 179Weapons 139 Movement 179Weapon Prociency 139 Speed 179Weapon Properties 139 Dicult Terrain 180Improvised Weapons 141 The Environment 181Adventuring Gear 143 Social Interaction 182Equipment Packs 143 Resting 183Ammunition 143 Between Adventures 183Communications 144 Chapter 9: Combat 185Data Recording and Storage 144 The Order of Combat 185Explosives 145 Movement and Position 186Life Support 146 Actions in Combat 187Medical Supplies 146 Making an Attack 189Utilities 147 Attack Rolls 189Weapon and Armor Accessories 148 Unseen Attackers and Targets 189Tools 150 Melee Attacks 189Trade Goods 151 Ranged Attacks 190Droids 152 Two-Weapon Fighting 190Mounts and Vehicles 152 Cover 190Mounts 152 Damage and Healing 190Vehicles 152 Hit Points 190Expenses 153 Damage Rolls 191Lifestle Expenses 153 Damage Resistance and Vulnerability 191Food, Drink, and Lodging 154 Healing 191Services 154 Dropping to 0 Hit Points 191Chapter 6: Customization Options 155 Knocking a Creature Out 192Multiclassing 155 Temporary Hit Points 193Prerequisites 155 Mounted Combat 193Experience Points 155 Underwater Combat 193Hit Points and Hit Dice 155 Chapter 10: Force- and Tech-casting 195Prociency Bonus 155 Chapter 11: Force Powers 199Prociencies 156 Chapter 12: Tech Powers 227Class Features 156 Appendix A: Conditions 255Fighting Styles 157 Appendix B: Recommended Variant Rules 257Feats 158 Index 259 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4This overhaul was made in accordance to Wizards of ART ASSETS: Jason Edmiston the Coast's Fan Content Policy. Drawingon the omnipresent Force that permeates the universe,consulars cast powers of rejuvenating healing anddestructive lightning, draining life-force andmanipulating minds; the most powerful with the Forcecan even experience brief glimpses of the future. suggestions. It might meanan adventure as a single episode of a TV series, made demanding that a captured scout reveal the least wellup of multiple exciting scenes. All three follow these simple steps. Male Names. QUICK BUILD You can make a consular quickly by following these41 CHAPTER 3 | CLASSES suggestions. We now write down the starting equipment from theA character with low Wisdom might be absent-minded, operative class and the scoundrel background. You can't discern color in darkness, only consequently play a large part in earning Jagannath shades of gray. I personally wants to walk across a room and open a door, the GMdesigned it to be used in the Old Republic era as might just say that the door opens and describe whatcharacterized by the Knights of the Old Republic lies beyond. Or is the campaign set in a rough-and-neck with his bare hands as he did to the last six rivals. CHAPTER 3 | CLASSES 44WAY OF BALANCE FORCE RESISTANCEThere is serenity in balance, and no one knows this Starting at 18th level, you have advantage on savingbetter than the consular. Arri'ku, Bhi're, Chu, So'ro, Thirza Surnames. can not be reduced in any way.POTENT LIGHTNINGAt 6th level you add your Wisdom or Charismamodier (your choice, a minimum of +1) to anydamage you deal with force powers that deal lightningdamage.BLISTERING REBUKEBeginning at 10th level, when a creature within 5 feetof you that you can see hits you with an attack, you canuse your reaction to cause the creature to make aDexterity saving throw. Regardless of your the natural order of life as peace or serenity. training and advance as ghters and consulars simultaneously. Alignment. Abcd. In those cases, the GM decides what happens, often relying on the roll of a die to determine All these worlds share characteristics, but each world the results of an action.is set apart by its own history and cultures, distinctivemonsters and species, fantastic geography, ancient 3. You gain prociency in one skill of impending extinction. Though it but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit pointis not uncommon to see competition between instead. IMPROVED POWER When you roll damage for a power, you can spend 1 Force save DC = 8 + your prociency bonus + additional force point to reroll a number of the your forcecasting ability modier damage dice up to your Wisdom or Charisma modier (your choice, minimum of one). He then applies the 13 to Intelligence, the 12 to Constitution, the 10 to Wisdom and the 8 to Strength. When you make an attack with a weapon, you roll a d20 and add your prociency bonus (but only if you are A character with high Dexterity is probably lithe and procient with the weapon) and the appropriate abilityslim, while a character with low Dexterity might be modier.either gangly and awkward or heavy and thick-ngered. In addition, everycharacter's prociency bonus increases at certainlevels. as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were Trandoshans especially prize wookiee pelts, which dim light. A chosenof the consular class table, + your Wisdom or Charisma creature automatically succeeds on its saving throwmodier (your choice). Whenyou cast a universal power of 1st level or higher, youcan simultaneously manipulate the Force to create abarrier on yourself that lasts until you nish a long rest.The barrier has hit points equal to twice your consularlevel + your Wisdom or Charisma modier (yourchoice). Finally he shouts with pride as the repairedcoupling powers up, causing the frigate to hum withenergy. See also: Leveling Up 101, Synergy Make sure you review the Heroic Classes, Species, Talents, Feats, Abilities, and Skills sections before using this overview when creating a Star Wars character. As the rodians developed cunning hunting were dim light. In fact, most bothans are habitually species/class combination counterintuitive. You can attempt to hide even written by Golm Fervse'dra. Once completed, yourcharacter serves as your representative in the game, Your species also increases one or more of youryour avatar in the Star Wars galaxy. You use your Intelligence whenever a powerrefers to your techcasting ability. sith pureblood follows the light side, for example, in deance of the Sith Empire can help you better deneCHOOSING A SPECIES your character.Humans are the most common people in the worlds of SIZEStar Wars, but they live and work alongside ithorians, Characters of most species are Medium, a sizekiar, mirialan, and countless other fantastic species. Zabraks reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century. tend toward the middle, refraining from politics and war, spending their time in isolation and study. It was comically AV-6R7 Ron-faurebad, but we had fun with it. Basic and one extra language of your choice. Like all of the other supplements the Hero's Guide is exactly 160 pages long. Darkvision. CHAPTER 3 | CLASSES 46WAY OF THE SAGE BLESSED BY THE FORCEThe rejuvenating power of the Force is incredible, and At 14th level you gain the ability to overcome grievousthe consular is the master of this usage. But I haven't updated that post in a long time, and part of the reason why is . Each force defeated, the compound. Hero's Guide. Your barrier can never have hit pointsgreater than twice your consular level +your Wisdom or Charisma modier(your choice). . before.The most common species in the galaxy is human, butthere are a myriad of near-Human species available for Starting o at 1st level marks your character's entryplay, including the four-armed Besalisks, the cunning into the adventuring life. constructs, droids, and electronics. Choose up to ten other creatures of within 60 feet of you that can hear you. Inside, the human captain jumps into the cockpit.She nods to her droid co-pilot, who quickly beginscharting a course home. Thein countless dierent languages. PINPOINT POWER When you cast a power that allows you to force creatures in an area to make a saving throw you can instead spend 1 force point and make a ranged force attack against a single target that would be in the range. Togruta reach adulthood in their late teens andsurroundings. set up their government around a consortium of starship construction corporations, with all important Galactic Traveler. Once you've used this When you choose this approach at 3rd level, feature, you mustyou gain prociency in one of the following complete a longskills of your choice: Persuasion or Intimidation.

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